American Mulefoot Hog
I got drunk and accidentally bought a pregnant pig.
My sister took me to this rare pig event in Madison, WI last year. It was also a craft cocktail event so the details are blurry. But I finally saw and tasted all these different breeds of rare and historically significant pigs.
So I was drunk and high on pork, and I tracked down a breeder of the rarest pig in the country.
The American Mulefoot Hog.
I picked this breed based purely on one nugget of information I had. That the mulefoot beats the rest in a blind taste tests. I only found one article article in a small farm magazine called Grit talked about a blind taste test of rare, heritage hog breeds.
"More than 90 food professionals, chefs, food writers, and food connoisseurs converged at Ayrshire Farm in Upperville, VA, to participate in a blind-tasting which compared pork from eight rare heritage hog breeds and one commercial line."
The Mulefoot beat em all. So based on one blind taste test in 2009, my drunken logic told me that was my pig.
The Livestock Conservancy.
It seems counterintuitive, but when it comes to rare livestock breeds, to save them you have to eat them.
"More than 90 food professionals, chefs, food writers, and food connoisseurs converged at Ayrshire Farm in Upperville, VA, to participate in a blind-tasting which compared pork from eight rare heritage hog breeds and one commercial line."